Massage Therapy in Ashland
Wellspring Centre for Body Balance offers the best therapeutic massage in Southern Oregon. Our licensed massage therapists have extensive training and experience. We know there are many massage therapists to choose from in Ashland and the Rogue Valley, and discerning patients choose Wellspring Centre for Body Balance! From deep relaxation to rehabilitation and everything in between, our massage therapists can help you achieve your health and wellness goals.
Therapeutic Massage
Our licensed massage therapists have extensive training and experience in providing therapeutic massage. Therapeutic massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress; and, to promote health and wellness.
According to the American Massage Therapy Association Therapeutic Massage can help you:
- Reduce stress – The long-term effects of stress can take emotional and physical tolls. Massage therapy may relieve stress and conditions associated with it, such as tension headaches.
- Get better sleep – Research indicates that massage can improve sleep in those with lower back pain, fibromyalgia, insomnia, pain and other health conditions.
- Boost mental health and wellness – Research suggests that symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression (all associated with mental health) may be directly affected with massage therapy.
- Manage pain – Pain can negatively affect a person’s quality of life and impede recovery from illness or injury. Research shows massage can help low-back pain, headaches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and more.
- Increase range of motion – Elite and recreational athletes alike can benefit from massage therapy. Massage can help reduce muscle tension, improve exercise performance and prevent injuries. (AMTA, 2018)
Auto Accidents
Have you had an accident? We are here to help. We are currently accepting new clients and are able to bill auto insurance. We make it easy for you by billing your insurance directly. Call our office to make an appointment today. If you are not seeing a Chiropractor care in our office for your claim, you will need a massage prescription from a doctor who has seen you for your accident or injury claim.
Oregon law requires motor vehicle insurance companies to provide Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage on all policies. This coverage pays for your related treatments for up to one year or until your PIP benefits are exhausted regardless of who was at fault.
Auto Injury massage can address the injuries due to an accident. We have extensive knowledge and training to help you heal from whiplash, neck and back injuries, tendon damage, muscle spasms, myofascial pain and headaches. Massage also relieves the stress, strain and anxiety that can follow having an accident. Our therapists can coordinate your care with your other healthcare providers in order to provide you with the best support possible.
Our therapists have 50 or more hours of training in each specialized modality listed below.
Orthopedic & Sports Injury
Orthopedic massage involves therapeutic assessment, manipulation and movement of soft tissue to reduce pain and dysfunction. Restoring structural balance throughout the body allows us to focus on both prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal dysfunction. Specific work to restore range-of motion, balance out muscle groups surrounding the joints to treat pain, and work to prevent and rehabilitate injuries that involve muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments. Scar tissue from old injuries or surgery can be significantly reduced with the application of cross fiber friction. Orthopedic massage is also great for performance enhancement for athletes. We know people in Southern Oregon are active. Hiking, biking, running, swimming, rowing, etc.; the outdoor activities here are endless! There is no better way to keep your athletic body on track and free of injury than with routine orthopedic massages.
Deep Tissue
Deep Tissue Massage involves using compression or deep pressure to knots or areas of muscle tension, fibrous adhesions and/or trigger points in order to bring about a more profound state of relaxation. This technique may include the use of petrissage (specific kneading strokes) and effleurage (smoothing and gliding strokes), which are administered with progressively increasing degrees of pressure, while cautiously monitoring the client’s verbal feedback and the body’s reflex responses. The goal of deep tissue is to alter muscle tightness and restriction in order to decrease tension and increase overall relaxation.
Swedish Massage
Range of motion, flexibility, and circulation are enhanced by a combination of long, flowing strokes and pressure point work. Swedish massage is designed to energize the body by stimulating circulation. This full body massage helps calm and soothe the body and mind. The benefits of Swedish massage include relaxation, stress relief, improved circulation and an enhanced feeling of overall well-being.
Integrated Bodywork
Integrated Bodywork, a specialized approach to bodywork at the Wellspring Center, takes a restorative approach that allows the body to re-balance without excessive force. Slow, focused, present and aware work allows the body a chance to re-align without excessive or painful force. Integrated Bodywork techniques and training that may be drawn from include Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial & Structural Balance, Orthopedic & Sports Injury, Deep Tissue and Maya Abdominal Massage. Chronic pain, acute injuries, accidents, headaches, joint pain, low back and neck pain, repetitive use injuries and chronic stress and tension are some of issues Theresa specializes in treating with this type of work. If you are working on healing a deep injury, Integrated Bodywork in Ashland, Oregon will get you on track with your wellness goals.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
The emphasis in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is to help resolve the trapped forces that underlie and govern patterns of disease and fragmentation in both body and mind. This involves the practitioner “listening through the hands” to the body’s subtle rhythms and any patterns of inertia or congestion. Through the development of subtle palpatory skills the practitioner can read the story of the body, identify places where issues are held and then follow the natural priorities for healing as directed by the patient’s own physiology. During the course of our lives our bodies become patterned, shaped and conditioned according to how we’re able to deal with any stresses or traumas. Common causes of inertia are physical injuries, emotional and psychological stresses, birth trauma and toxicity. Due to an accumulation of these stresses, tissues can become imprinted with the memory of unresolved experiences and so act like video tape which may keep replaying whenever stimulated. If stresses or traumas are overwhelming, they become locked in the body as sites of inertia -biodynamic craniosacral work is able to access resources that allow them to be processed and released. This therapy allows the body to maximize its healing potential.
Neuromuscular Therapy
This comprehensive system of soft-tissue manipulation that balances the body’s central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system. Based on neurological laws that explain how the central nervous system initiates and maintains pain, the goal is to help relieve the pain and dysfunction by understanding and alleviating the underlying cause. NMT is used to locate and release spasms and hyper contraction in the tissue, eliminate trigger points that cause referred pain, rebuild the strength of injured tissues, assist venous and lymphatic flow, and restore postural alignment, proper bio-mechanics, and flexibility to the tissues.
Structural & Myofascial Release Techniques
Myofascial release is the three-dimensional application of sustained pressure and movement into the fascial (connective tissue) system in order to eliminate restrictions. First, an assessment is made by visually analyzing posture. Upon locating an area of fascial tension, gentle pressure is applied in the direction of the restriction in order to release postural and structural imbalance. Myofascial release is an effective therapeutic approach in the relief of cervical pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, neurological dysfunction, restriction of motion, chronic pain, and headaches.
Available from: Kiajah
After Your Massage
Self care after the massage includes keeping physical activity to a minimum the day of and the day following your appointment. For optimal cell and body function it is recommended to drink plenty of water, half your body weight in ounces daily. When having a massage please increase your water intake by 8-16 ounces the day before, the day of and the day following your appointment. This helps to eliminate any toxins that have been worked into the blood stream during the massage. The potential for feeling ‘sore’ after your appointment is decreased significantly by drinking plenty of fresh pure water. Keeping a calm, unstressed state of mind is recommended to fully appreciate the effects of good body work.
Contact us to schedule your massage at Wellspring Centre for Body Balance. Following your appointment we appreciate any feedback to ensure your experience is the most enjoyable.

Massage Therapy Ashland | (541) 482-2021